We have witnessed the shameful collapse of journalistic integrity. And the prospects are bleak for its return.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
When the AP notices that the emperor has no clothes the BS bus has hit a real speed bump
All under the guise of "rebuilding America". Unfortunately it will end up being our kids and grandkids who will have to do the rebuilding while their standard of living plummets in the years to come.
Jourtegrity Lost Loser of the Week 022509
It's easy to write a report about an event before it happens if you've decided how great it's going to be ahead of time.
And Jennifer was recently selected as President of the White House Press Corps! Niiiice.
Yup, I'm paranoid about the press being in the tank for the democrats and Obama. I gotta get over that.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Failed Policies of the Past, Huh?
Remember how Obama said Bush's plans in the Middle East were "failed policies" and the sovreignty of other countries was so very critical. "Nevermind". Turns out we are clandestinely carrying out a war in Pakistan to prop up another sovereign government.
Oh and the torture issue - turns out the new boss is just like the old boss:
Charlie Savage, NY Times:
In little-noticed confirmation testimony recently, Obama nominees endorsed continuing the C.I.A.’s program of transferring prisoners to other countries without legal rights, and indefinitely detaining terrorism suspects without trials even if they were arrested far from a war zone.
The administration has also embraced the Bush legal team’s arguments that a lawsuit by former C.I.A. detainees should be shut down based on the “state secrets” doctrine. It has also left the door open to resuming military commission trials.All of the failed policies of the past become acceptable necessities when you're not in campaign promise (lie) mode.
The Battered American
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Rahm Emmanuel's Questionable Tax Issues
Tim Geithner, proven tax cheat, now has the IRS in his control. Ya think he'll send a few agents over to Rahm's house to look into this? Uh, no. Maybe President Obama will insist on it? Uh, no.
By the way, Rahm was getting paid $262,000 a year to sit on Freddie Mac's board during 2000 to 2001, the fraud years, when Freddie Mac was backing insanely thinly backed mortgages that are now going bust and have sent this economy into its current tailspin.
Then there's the $16 million Rahm earned between his director's job and running for Congress...
Blogs and other honest journalists are going to have to flog this for weeks before it ever hits the press since Emmanuel doesn't have a Senate confirmation hearing coming up.
Did you ever believe that one political candidate could promise so much integrity and deliver so little?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Prediction: What Stimulus Bill? Let's talk foreign policy.
Watch for it.
Obama's Fearmongering is way out of hand
Let's get the facts straight!
via the Wall Street Journal
This fearmongering may be good politics, but it is bad history and bad economics. It is bad history because our current economic woes don't come close to those of the 1930s. At worst, a comparison to the 1981-82 recession might be appropriate. Consider the job losses that Mr. Obama always cites. In the last
year, the U.S. economy shed 3.4 million jobs. That's a grim statistic for sure, but represents just 2.2% of the labor force. From November 1981 to October 1982, 2.4 million jobs were lost -- fewer in number than today, but the labor force
was smaller. So 1981-82 job losses totaled 2.2% of the labor force, the same as now. Job losses in the Great Depression were of an entirely different magnitude. In 1930, the economy shed 4.8% of the labor force. In 1931, 6.5%. And then in 1932, another 7.1%. Jobs were being lost at double or triple the rate of 2008-09 or 1981-82.
Read the whole thing.
The natural progression of economics would have gotten us out of this recession as it has 5 times since the 1930s anyway without this staggering debt package and a huge Democrat wish list that never got the full debate treatment that it deserves. Very clever, but it has no resemblance to democracy.
The media of course bought it hook, line and sinker.
And they haven't pointed out that it's worse EVERYWHERE than here.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Change. Or is that just the jingling in your pocket Part 12
This is a massive spending bill that will create few meaningful jobs, but will get alot of Democrats re-elected on the backs of the next generation's taxpayers. It is shameful, fascist politics carried out in the face of fearmongering.
I worried that Obama might be just another promise-breaking politician with an Evangelist's skillset. Unfortunately I was far more correct in my assumptions than I wish I was.
Welcome to Obamerica.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sorry Elkhart you've been used (Oh and you too Peoria and Ft Myers)
President Obama chose three of the bleakest economic sites in America to stage his whistle stop tour promoting the new trillion dollar (with debt service) spending bill. More fearmongering followed by more unrealistic promises were the order of the day.
Elkhart, Indiana known as RV capital of the world is suffering. Orders for RVs that cost an average of $163,000 each are off. Way off. 75%. The companies and the people that work at them are in dire straits. Unemployment in Elkhart is 15% more than twice the national average. Obama has promised them a turnaround - soon, if only they will support the trillion dollar spending bill. Cheering crowds chanted yes we can and had visions of RVs rolling off the assembly lines again.
One problem. A $13 a week tax break for working families, or an increase in food stamps of $25 a month, or an extension of unemployment benefits will not stimulate one person to say "Honey, let's pick up one of those RVs this weekend, I've got $13 burning a hole in my pocket."
But wait, what of the corporate tax breaks? Won't that let the RV companies hire more people? They are a joke. Corporations are going to be able to write off more of their stock investment losses than before. Well, the only stock investment losses that can be written off are those that match stock investment gains. Check your portfolio. Stock investment gains anyone? A symbolic bust. One of many in this bill.
In Peoria Caterpillar workers were told by the new President that the new stimulus bill would bring back some of the workers laid off (22,000) recently. "Jim" (the President referred to him personally) head of Caterpillar, told him so. One problem. Jim held a press conference an hour later and basically said just the opposite. Caterpillar will be laying off more people after the bill is signed.
In Fort Myers regular folk listened and cheered and many had personal requests. One woman told a touching story of how she and her 37 year old son were homeless, living in a pickup truck. Obama promised help and the lady that we all felt quite sorry for got it the next day. The wife of a local state rep Nick Thompson and his wife Chene presented the woman and her son with a rent free home. Thompson is a Republican.
Maybe that's what Obama means by bipartisanship.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Jourtegrity Loser of the Week 021109
"and let me just say to all the chattering classes, when considering these, yes, "porky" amendments - the American people just don't care."
Thanks, Chuck, us chatterers will move on to the A-Rod steroids case. Or the octuplets - now that's news!
And what does this have to do with Jourtegrity lost? They fact that you didn't hear or read about this gem in the MSM makes it a journalistic integrity issue.
It's the timing, stupid.
The fact that Harry Reid seems to think that wielding a threat - "we may have to work next week (a normal vaca week for the hard working pols)if we don't get this done by Friday" tells you alot about the gravity that our honored Solons feel about this bill.Surely common sense would dictate that when Congress is doling out fat dollops of taxpayers' money, due time should be delegated for sober consideration and debate. The administration's coercive rush toward instant action, accompanied by apocalyptic pronouncements of imminent catastrophe, has put its own credibility on the line.
If the car salesman knows that you have to walk off the lot with a car that day, who do you suppose gets the best end of the deal?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I bet he actually hugs the teleprompters
But Obama - whoa can that man read a teleprompter! On his campaign swing through Elkhart, Indiana it was vintage, on-the-stump Obama whipping his head back and forth in perfect rhythm telling the great unwashed of that job depressed town that he would bring them back to life and he'd blacktop I31 and fix the bridges down on South street if that's what it took to get more people to work. Nothing reads on a teleprompter like chicken-in-every pot rhetoric. The man's a glib genius.
And in last night's press conference, the staged portion, that is the telepromptered portion, Obama was on message. Head turning, subtle eyebrow raises, tiny smirks and solid fear mongering rhetoric poured out like honey on the assembled adoring press. The message - I inherited a deficit that George Bush doubled in his eight year stint and my plan to fix it is to double it again in my first 3 weeks in office.
But then they had to turn the teleprompters off. Clearly, Obama must have felt like Cap't Sully when the engines went dead. The feeling in the pit of his stomach had to be similar. A panic set in, you could see it in his eyes, and not only did he not make a safe water landing but the good ship Obama crashed hard and didn't come to a stop until the reporter from the Washing ton Post changed things up with a question about baseball and steroids.
Obama's answers were rambling, unsteady and mostly empty of content. It really did seem like a robot whose wires got short circuited and he was spinning around delivering truncated phrases from Jonny Favreau's talking points memos.
The one thing about telling the truth all the time is you never have to remember what you said.
Didn't matter though. The Democrats-only government will respond with a flow of fake money into the economy like we've never seen and they will save us from a "catastrophe". Of course, nothing works like fear and as Rahm Emmanuel says "never let a good crisis go to waste".
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Obama says you have no right to question what's in the Spendulus bill
(via APs Charles Babington)
Obama warned Republicans not to "come to the table with the same tired arguments and worn ideas that helped to create this crisis." Americans, he said, "did not vote for the false theories of the past, and they didn't vote for phony arguments and petty politics."
So there you go folks...you clearly just don't get it. You're idiots and Obama and the Democrats are not!
Now shut up and let's let a guy who's never run anything bigger than a lemonade stand spend 800 billion dollars without questioning him.
Obama promised 6 weeks ago that the Spendulus bill will have a:
"new higher standard of accountability, transparency and oversight. We are going to ban all earmarks, the process by which individual members insert projects without review."
Pay attention to what's in this bill. You won't believe it.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
That Blackberry must be coming in handy

Monday, February 2, 2009
The Teflon Administration. Get used to it.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner cheats on his taxes to the tune of $43,000 while attempting some very spurious deductions. Outrage from the media? Nope
Obama cabinet appointee Tom Daschle (who lost his re-election bid to the Senate in South Dakota under a cloud of corruption pushing through a 15 billion dollar airline bailout bill benefitting his wifes' company) is found to have dodged over $100,000 in taxes. Outrage from the media? Nope
It's all a big game of look the other way - The One can do no wrong.
I'm having trouble keeping my breakfast down lately.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Where is Obama as Kentuckians freeze to death?
So 49 people have already died and nearly one million people are without power and may be for 2 more months. Where's Obama? Where's the outrage?
Turns out Obama wouldn't have enjoyed being in Kentucky to check things out anyway.
Via the NY Times:
The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.
“He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”
But what about global warm...oh never mind.
It would be laughable except that it's not really funny. At all.