Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jake Tapper Agrees with Halperin About Media Bias

Our cute little self-coined phrase Jourtegrity Lost has been around for a few years now and judging by how things have gone during the Obama presidency and his re-election campaign (which seem to be one and the same) the term has become more and more prophetic.  Jake Tapper, who has had to tread lightly on his belief that journalism is supposed to be neutral (in order to not anger the ABC news overlords) has again ventured into dangerous waters in speaking about the 2008 presidential campaign.

 "Sometimes I saw with story selection, magazine covers, photos picked, [the] campaign narrative, that it wasn’t always the fairest coverage."
Speaking with Laura Ingraham and quoted in the Weekly Standard Online Tapper simply thinks the media is clouding the real issues of this campaign.

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