Friday, August 7, 2009

AP pulls the curtain back on their agenda

Jourtegrity takes a huge hit with the largest news gathering organization farming out their "reporting" to 4 leftist organizations.

This pretty much signals the death of any semblance of neutrality in journalism. AP supplies boilerplate newsprint filler to the vast majority of newspapers in America. If you've noticed that your local paper has been moving pretty left the last couple of years, wait a few weeks, you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

AP, itself a not-for-profit enterprise, identified the four organizations as "civic-minded" nonprofits. They also all have decidedly liberal sponsors. A cursory glance at the "independent" news shops reveals their reliance on left-tilting patrons such as the Knight Foundation and leftist donors such as financier Herbert Sandler and currency speculator George Soros.
Sandler and his wife, Marion, founders of ProPublica, are generous givers to Democratic candidates and left-wing causes including the Center for American Progress and ACORN, the ethically-challenged radical action group. Soros, an early backer of CPI as well as the radical, poured tens of millions into attacks on President George W. Bush.

Enjoy waking up to your local version of The Democrat Talking Points Bugle. Game over.

This might be the one that causes me to check out the New Zealand real estate pages.


Anonymous said...

Does AP stand for Anti-Profit or All Pretense?

Jack said...
