We have witnessed the shameful collapse of journalistic integrity. And the prospects are bleak for its return.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Google Unconscionably Leftist
Google has been accused of being leftist, anti-Iraq war, anti-Bush and supremely ProBama. It surely is, and for a search engine to filter its searches by ideological agenda is outrageous, shameful and frankly fascist. I will search via other search engines from now on.
Today's example. I wondered why I wasn't finding anything on the normal news sites about the historic Iraq elections today. Guess why, they are running smoothly and with almost no violence. A tremendous victory for the Iraqi people and its democratic government and of course by association the American military and horror of horrors the Bush administration.
So I typed in "Iraq election" into google and the first 9 results were tagged with the line "this site may harm your computer" I was blocked by google from entering the sites. Curious if this coincidence that the first 9 sites on the front page could be all corrupted I decided to do a test.
I then typed in "Iraq casualties" all sites came up with no warning.
In other words; enjoy reading about casualties in Iraq on google, but don't expect us to allow you to read about democratic elections in Iraq on google.
I am absolutely flabbergasted and outraged about this.
Update: Two hours later a check has revealed that the "The site may harm your computer" caveats have been taken down from all search results. Hmmmmmmmmm
Seven Pages and 63 questions of fluff
Given what's happening with the discoveries about the character of some of Obama's Cabinet picks let me suggest that questions #64 and #65 should have been added.
#64 While holding public office did you ever collude with gov't vendors to your personal financial gain?
#65 Do you pay your taxes like we expect the great unwashed to do?
#64 would have been particularly helpful in vetting Bill Richardson and Tom Daschle. #65 might have sent a red flag up about Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner AND Tom Daschle.
I realize these are both unfairly intrusive questions but you'd think for an administration with the most "thorough and exhaustive" vetting process ever they wouldn't be that bad.
By the way - what d'ya think the chances are that Obama has read the stimulus bill?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Entire basketball crowd clearly drunk or very stupid
I'm hoping there are more basketball games to come.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
BHO, above the fray
You may recall that after he won the nomination and took a big lead in the polls several reporters, not sufficiently ProBama, were bumped off the campaign aircraft.
Perhaps you recall the reporter who was advised to "not waste your question" when he took a wrong line of questioning (anything apparently that didn't have to do with dog selections or school choices).
Then last week Obama came to the press room to visit reporters and he advised a reporter, while grasping both his shoulders, that "this is not a time for questioning". Mingling and photo ops were allowed but questions should wait for another time and place. No questions in a press room?
There have been whispers from the press that "access" to Obama has been too limited. What? Is it possible that President Obama is a "user"? Think of how Obama treated Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, Tony Rezsko and others when he was done with them. Look under the next Greyhound.
The press - gawking, fawning about Obama and fabricating negatives about Palin and McCain have served their purposes for him. They, through their biased delivery of campaign coverage, got Obama the win. And now I suspect he realizes that he can let them eat cake.
But don't worry I'm sure he'll be more accessible in three years and they'll be the loyal, tail-wagging lap dogs he'll need again.
Monday, January 26, 2009
60 Senators have decided it's okay to cheat on your taxes
Yup, stupidly, arrogantly and unpatriotically (remember how Biden says it's patriotic to want to pay more taxes?) our esteemed US Senate has confirmed Timothy (you mean an overnight summer camp is not deductible as child care?) Geithner for Treasury Secretary.
Seriously let's imagine, just for a moment, if he had been a Republican.
It's laughable, really.
More hope on the HopeNChange arrogance bus
"I won. I'm the President."
Well winner's arrogance is the hot new thing in ProBama journalism these days. Here's what Paul Krugman ProBama economist-in-residence at the NY Times has to say about it.

"But here’s the thing: Most Americans aren’t listening. The most encouraging thing I’ve heard lately is Mr. Obama’s reported response to Republican objections to a spending-oriented economic plan: “I won.” Indeed he did — and he should disregard the huffing and puffing of those who lost."
Kind of a my way or the highway approach. Hope and Change.
Wish I had thought of that
Can euthanasia be far behind?
"The family planning services reduce cost," Pelosi said, "One of the elements of this package is assistance to the states. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."
"So no apologies for that?" I asked her.
"No apologies. No," Pelosi said. "And this is a, to stimulate the economy, is an economic recovery package and as we put it forth we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.
Wow. Maybe Nancy can crank up the capital punishment bill again. And hey, is there any way we can maybe release a few of those birds with that killer bird flu here? Just until the recession is over, of course.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Former reporter Bernie Goldberg's new book about the biased election coverage
Bernie's book should be good. I haven't read it yet, but will.
"Never in my memory were so many journalists so intent on effecting change as they were during the campaign of 2008. Sure, mainstream journalists always root for the Democrat. But this time it was different. This time journalists were not satisfied merely being partisan witnesses to history. This time they wanted to be real players and help determine the outcome. This time they were on a mission, a noble, historic mission, as far as they were concerned. In fact, I could not remember a time when so many supposedly objective reporters had acted so blatantly as full-fledged advocates for one side--and without even a hint of embarrassment.
"...Make no mistake: this is not the same old liberal bias we have witnessed for years. In 2008, the mainstream media crossed a line. As a result, their credibility is in tatters. Hardly anyone trusts them anymore. This is not good for them, of course. But it may be even worse for us."
Remember this when the energy czar bullies us about saving the planet.
The elephant's in the room. The emperor's naked. C'mon people admit that you were wrong and put another log on the fire. It's going to be a cold millenium or so.At December's U.N. Global Warming conference in Poznan, Poland, 650 of the world's top climatologists stood up and said man-made global warming is a media generated myth without basis. Said climatologist Dr. David Gee, Chairman of the International Geological Congress, "For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?
Praise for Obama, and a request from the press
But what he doesn't need, and what we don't need as a country, is a fawning press that will not interpret his actions as president fairly. The title of this blog, Jourtegrity Lost, is what scares me the most. Without a questioning press Obama will feel any step he takes, any step, will be received as correct and brilliant. No man or woman is flawless and without criticism can only become more flawed.
I'm hoping the giddy optimism and deification of Obama by the press - Brokaw "he's Lincolnesque", Chris Matthews "he gives me a thrill up my leg" and on and on, is toned down a bit because true journalism is supposed to be balanced. The liberal press got away with running journalism into the ground during the campaign with it's shameless misreporting and biased "analysis". It has shown no penchant for being anything less than an arm of the Democrat National Committee since.
When the hangovers from the inaugural parties subside I hope journalists take stock of their profession and seek to become real journalists who report fairly, evenly and with an inquisitive air.
If they do, I will shut this blog down.
The Dalai Lama loves President Bush
But as usual, leave it to a press located outside our country to give Bush some props. Turns out even the world's most renowned living pacifist sees Bush's approach to Islamofascism as legit.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
New, New Deal same as the Old, New Deal (only worse!)

By 1939 Roosevelt's own Treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, had realized that the New Deal economic policies had failed. "We have tried spending money," Morgenthau wrote in his diary. "We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . After eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!"
Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
An ethical, steadfast President in a very tough time
Not a single attack by terrorists on American soil since 9/11 and an economy that had 52 straight months of job growth before the Democrats took over Congress over 2 years ago. Inflation over his term was basically non existent, tell me of any other two term President who had that.
The Iraq war, though roundly critcized by the left, is over and is a success. A democratic country now exists in the Mid East with 25 million free people whose GDP is 30% greater than when Saddam was in power. The benefits of having a free Iraq in the Mid East will become very obvious over time. The benefits to the freedom of women alone will empower millions in that part of the world.
There's lots more, but we will need to get past the hysteria of an Obama inauguration before we hear much about it in detail. In fact, it takes a writer from the UK to even begin to address the issue.
George Bush wasn't glib, I'll give you that, but he always believed he was doing the right thing for the country and he has paid dearly for that.
Maybe a smooth talker with no experience is what we need as President, it certainly matches up well with our current vacuous cultural state.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
C'mon Hill, Smart Power?
I suppose SMART POWER belongs right there with the other meaningless chants. Hillary Clinton figured a nice little catch phrase would keep the Senators drooling and the press from making much of the 498 million dollars her husband has elicited from countless foreign powers over the past few years. Some people might be concerned that the guy you share your corn flakes with may have a suggestion or two on foreign policy that would somehow reflect positively on the next half billion clams of "donations".
I'm on record as already behind the Hillary Sec of State nomination, but SMART POWER has got to go. We're not selling an SAT studies DVD set here.
How about Strength Through Appeasement. That should sum it all up.
The Tim Geithner Defense.
It goes like this. "I forgot" or "It was an honest mistake" or "I didn't know I had to pay" or "I'm embarassed" or "It was an oversight". If those don't work try - "I'm Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York" That always works. Apparently.
For not paying Federal Social Security and Medicare taxes from 2001 to 2004 Mr Geithner spent no time in prison, and had his penalties waived. Nice. Penalties for a four year period assessed two years later can be huge, representing a large percentage of the total owed.
Mr Geithner also had an undocumented immigrant as his nanny, and had many spurious deductions overruled (one claiming thousands in deductions for his kids away at sleepover camps as child care!).
Kimba Wood and Zoe Baird were back to back appointments for Attorney General by Bill Clinton who resigned from consideration when it was learned they had undocumented nannies. Keeping Geithner would smack as sexism for me. I'm not kidding.
So all you landscapers, plumbers, house painters and other self-employed entrepreneurs who have to pay self employment taxes forget it. Simply use the Tim Geithner defense.
Or work your way up to Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
UPDATE: Uh oh, turns out that Geithner not only didn't pay his share of the taxes but the IMF actually paid him extra to cover the amount. I think the HopeNChange bus might be leaving the station without Timmy.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's all about who you know
Ever get dunned by the IRS? They can be very nasty, for very small money. In my case I was proved to be in the right, but I have no doubt they would have hunted me down and sucked the appropriate digits out of my checking account, had it come to that. Or worse.
But then I'm neither a billionaire, nor a Treasury Secretary designate.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Change. Or is that just the jingling in your pocket Part 10?
Turns out "Close down Gitmo" was a great rallying cry for the anti-war Obamaniacs, but again reality has dealt a hard slap to their collective faces as BHO realizes that being the CEO of the USA is a little more difficult than being a community organizer for ACORN.
Wait 'til he tries "a good job for everyone who needs one" and "the oceans (levels) will begin to fall".
Friday, January 9, 2009
Jourtegrity Lost - Loser of the Week 010909
Does putting country first mean supporting the president, or opposing him?
Predictable snark as a tagline. Keith Olbermann would be proud, but real journalists wouldn't.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Activists masquerading as reporters
The spin on the reporting of this violence is decidedly one-sided. And the photoshopping specialists are at it again as they were during the incursion into Lebanon. Via Pajamas Media
Look at both pages of photos.
Nothing stimulating here..
Therefore we make no movement forward on the trade deficit which could bring us out of the recession faster. Make-work, particularly the kind that makes nothing that can be sold is a dead end.
Take the money for the 600,000 jobs and create Alternative Energy subdivisions of current companies, or create new private companies that make the world's best, most efficient, solar cells, windmill blades, algae to energy plants etc. Pay quality engineers to invest themselves in making things that can be sold internationally. Maybe we get half the money to create the machines that create the products, with the other half used to hire 300,000 private sector employees who will own shares in their companies. This would stimulate efficiency in the product development making the products more likely to sell worldwide. Taxpayers would save hundreds of billions of dollars in pension building monies that would have had to go to the federal employees.
License any unique technologies derived from the research so that other countries can not rip off our intellectual property. And while you're at it give tax credits to Americans who buy American and increase tariffs on imports to stimulate American company growth. Other countries tariff our exports at draconian levels to make our products difficult to sell.
Chickens, roost up.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Gas prices lower than when President Bush took office.
The gas price windfall is literally going to mean $1 billion dollars a day. Consumers are actually hanging on to that money because they fear the prediction by Obama that "things are going to get worse". Next year this money sitting on the sidelines will begin to leak back into the economy.
By the way, have you seen many television reports of happy consumers at the gas pumps talking about their joy with lower prices? Neither have I, but I saw plenty of negative stories when the prices were going up - and of course President Bush was blamed for it all.
Seems fair to me.
Monday, January 5, 2009
NBC and MSNBC Ban Ann Coulter for Life
via Drudge:
But one network insider claims it was the book's theme -- a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era -- that got executives to dis-invite the controversialist. "We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer.
It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either."
I'm guessing they didn't really ask the audience...
Change. It's here in the visage of Leon Panetta
Panetta was the first Democrat to tell Clinton to come clean. In my book he gets points for that. But not CIA DIRECTOR points.
Diane Feinstein, incoming Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is none too pleased about this. She'll be getting a phone call tonight and things will be just swell by tomorrow.
California pork, coming right up!
Update: I hate to be an I told you so kinda guy but....
I guess we can take the polar bears off the endangered list
via DailyTech.com
Rapid growth spurt leaves amount of ice at levels seen 29 years ago.But as we also know a picture of a polar bear on an ice floe can go a long way towards getting Al Gore's speaking fees increased.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
We'll be loved around the world! Oops.

The Huffington Post Challenges Al Gore and Global Warming
I may have to rethink my views if Arianna is coming on board this train.
Stop picking on our new Senator from Illinois Roland Burris
Holding a seat in the Senate of the United States of America is now officially a joke.
Change. Or is that just the jingling in your pocket Part 9?

Friday, January 2, 2009
A Fireworks Disappointment
Not all negative news in 2008
Oh, and the US military has handed over the Green zone and Presidential palace to the Iraqis. No small feat for both sides.
What the LA Times did in 2008
These newspapers can't die fast enough.