Monday, January 5, 2009

Change. It's here in the visage of Leon Panetta

Real change, as promised by Barack Obama. It takes a real change agent to select a man with no experience in the field of intelligence for CIA director - CIA DIRECTOR! Panetta was first a congressman and then chief of staff for Bill Clinton. Mr. Panetta was Monica Lewinsky's mentor at the White House. He testified before a grand jury that he knew nothing of their 8 month affair. Now those are the kinds of powers of observation you want the head of our most important intelligence agency to have. What Iran nukes?

Panetta was the first Democrat to tell Clinton to come clean. In my book he gets points for that. But not CIA DIRECTOR points.

Diane Feinstein, incoming Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is none too pleased about this. She'll be getting a phone call tonight and things will be just swell by tomorrow.

California pork, coming right up!

Update: I hate to be an I told you so kinda guy but....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shocking statement from Leon Panetta!!
watch Leon Panetta statement
What that means?